Our Journey Forward


Embracing our mission for a compassionate future.

Since day one, TNRToolkit.com, initiated by Scott & Katie Barton – affectionately known as The Happy Coders – has been more than just a platform; it’s been a vision in the making. 

Our mission has always been to unify & amplify the efforts of TNR groups worldwide. 

Today, we’re excited to share our evolving roadmap that extends our reach beyond digital borders towards establishing a physical sanctuary & enhancing global TNR efforts.


TNRToolkit.com: The Foundation of Our Future Endeavors


Our platform serves as a beacon for community-driven TNR efforts, providing essential tools to organize, fundraise & mobilize. 

This functionality is just the beginning. 

As we equip TNR groups with the means to manage their noble causes effectively, we've laid the groundwork for a broader mission – one that involves paws, hearts & a commitment to rescue on a larger scale.


Vision for a Dedicated Sanctuary


Looking ahead, our hearts are set on creating a sanctuary – a haven for cats in need. 

This sanctuary will not only rescue & provide care but will also serve as an education & collaboration center for TNR initiatives worldwide. 

Imagine a place where compassion meets action & every rescued cat starts a new chapter.


Our Commitment to the TNR Community


Our roadmap doesn’t stop at our own initiatives. 

We’re dedicated to supporting other TNR groups, animal rescues & sanctuaries globally. 

By sharing resources, knowledge & funding, we aim to foster a network of support and advancement. 

Our donation platform will enable local groups to launch their fundraising campaigns, ensuring sustainable operations & expanded impact.


A Call to Join Hands


The journey from a digital roadmap to establishing a sanctuary & supporting a global network marks a significant leap towards transforming feral cat management. 

Your support fuels this transition.

Join us in this profound journey; your donation isn’t just help—it’s a lifeline for countless feral cats & a step towards a compassionate world.

Together, we’re not just charting a roadmap; we’re paving a pathway to change.

Donate Now & become a pivotal part of this compassionate revolution.

Together, we can rewrite the fate of countless feral cats.