Frequently Asked Questions

We know you've got some burning questions about how to best help our feline friends through Trap-Neuter-Return programs.

So, we've paws-ed our daily hustle to bring you a whisker-licking list of FAQs that'll guide you on your journey.

Let's dive in with hearts and minds open, ready to learn and spread the love for community cats everywhere!

Are you curious about the magic formula that helps community cats live their best lives? TNR is a humane approach where we trap feral cats, spay or neuter them, and then return them to their colony. It's like a cat's fairy godmother, but with more traps and less glitter!

You know that fuzzball down the alley? Through TNR, we're giving them a healthier, happier life all while preventing overpopulation. It's like hitting two birds with one stone, except no birds get hit, and everyone wins!

Keep your eyes peeled for an eartip! This is the universal high-five sign that a cat has been spayed or neutered. It's like a secret handshake for the TNR club!

Right here, rockstar! Our toolkit is brimming with the TNR essentials. From how-tos to pep talks, we've got your back every step of the way.

We're all about playing by the rules. Check your local laws and, when in doubt, give us a shout! We're here to help you navigate the legal jungle.

Tiny kitties might make you melt, but remember, Mom's probably close by. Don't swoop in to kitten-nap—step back and observe. If they're truly in need, we'll guide you on the steps to be the hero they deserve!

With a little patience and the right tactics, you'll be a cat-trapping ninja in no time! We've got tips and tricks that are as gentle as a cat's purr, making sure that feline feels safe and sound.

Your giving spirit makes our tails wag! There are purr-lenty of ways to get involved. Volunteer, donate, or even share our cause – every little bit adds up to a mountain of help!

Absolutely! TNR isn't just about managing numbers; it helps mellow the meows by reducing territorial behavior and noise. It’s a win-win for cats and the community alike!

Safe as a cozy catnap in the sun! TNR is not only safe, but it's also super beneficial for both the cats and their human neighbors. It curbs the spread of disease and creates a happy balance in the ecosystem.

Got more questions?

Don't hesitate to reach out!

You're part of the TNR family, and we’re here to guide you every paw of the way.

Keep being awesome—our whiskered pals thank you for it! 🐾💕